Flicks Chicks (2010)

Movie Genre:Comedy Movies

Plot :

A romantic comedy that centers around a young mother named Flick. After a lifetime of problems and disappointments with men, she decides she wants to spend her life with a woman. As sweet and funny as she is, Flick is flawed and confused but has come up with an unconventional way to find her new mate; A weekend sleepover. She finds the 5 women that she has recently met and has been attracted to in one way or another and invites them to spend a weekend at an out of the way summer house by the beach. A weekend to get to know her and her daughter Roxy, who at only 10 years old, has a maturity far beyond her years. The only problem is, she has invited all 5 women to stay with her at the same time in the same house and none of them know that. Flick's Chicks takes you on a humorous and voyeuristic look at 6 women as they get to know each other, annoy each other and learn to accept each other and in the end, hopefully find love.

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